This is where you should find english content about the game. Unfortunately im from Austria and i currently only have time to write content for "The Isle" in German. Now, this is where you come into play - If you think you re the right person to write News, Guides and other content stuff about the game in english, feel free to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and become the chief editor fot the english part of this website.
I would love to evolve this fansite into a premium multi-language fansite for "The Isle" (only Evrima).
If you re part of the development/distribution team and you want to cooperate with me and making this the official Website, feel free to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I am a professional Webdeveloper and SEO-Manager and I would love to help you to make more people aware of this true Dino-Survival gem (400+ hours played so far, only Evrima).
These are my assets and if you want to take advantage of an optimized Website, you will soon find in the Google Top-Rankings for "The Isle" related search terms, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
This website is based on a powerful CMS and could be updated with even more languages.
For now I only have time to keep the german version of this Website up-2-date.
See you on The Isle,